Access Consultants Association (ACA) uses this policy to administer the information, material and sponsorship appearing on the domain website [email protected]
1. Disclaimer: ACA makes every effort to ensure the currency, accuracy and appropriateness of the information on the website. However, ACA accepts no responsibility or liability for any losses perceived or real in using the information on the website. The onus is on those accessing this website to verify the accuracy of the appropriate source. This disclaimer of any responsibility or liability extends to any Officer of ACA, Member or Web Page Editor.
2. Access Consultant Accredited Directory contains a list of current financial members who have demonstrated to have six years of experience as a practising consultant & or in approved training. ACA accepts no responsibility for any accredited member’s selection, engagement, or work. The onus is on those requiring the services of an Access Consultant to verify for themselves the suitability of the member for the work required.
3. ACA is open to offers of website sponsorship. Exceptions to sponsorship are:
3.1 ACA members cannot advertise or promote their services as an Access Consultant in direct or indirect competition with other members.
3.2 Members with any vested interest in any company, business or organisation considered for sponsorship on this website must disclose any conflict of interest, monetary or otherwise.
3.3 Any company, business or organisation opposed to the ACA Objectives or not considered appropriate by the Management Committee.
3.4 The Management Committee reserves the right to review each application on merit and will not enter into any other negotiations should a sponsorship application be rejected.
3.5 ACA respects privacy and is committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. Our website privacy policy explains how we handle information collected online. For more information about how ACA handles personal information collected on or offline and how you can seek access to the personal information which ACA holds about you, see the ACA Privacy Statement and Privacy Policy.